Saturday, October 22, 2016


During the week I had an opportunity to present for a Webinar for Flying Arts. It seemed to go well, thankfully. The workshop was titled 'Layers of Thought' and was about layering mixed media to create a more complex and nuanced communication of meaning than is often possible in a single-layered work. Some pictures of works at various stages of 'layering' and one that is completed are below. The last one is the only one that is completely finished; looking forward to continuing work with the others and will show you when I have.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

An abundance of Birds

Have been a bit slack in keeping up with the blog, lately...apologies. Have been very busy, but not too busy to notice the abundance of little birds in residence here at the new digs (well newish). In the last few weeks alone, I have sighted scarlet honeyeaters, golden whistlers, yellow robins, red-browed fire tails and our resident family of variegated fairy wrens (the boys are dressed very brightly in their breeding plumage just now). And these guys...apparently they are white naped honey-eaters. I have never laid eyes on this species before, much less in my own back yard! Loving where I live! (photos taken on a phone, so not excellent quality).