Thursday, November 17, 2016


So here is the link to the webinar I recorded last month for Flying Arts (re a few posts ago).

Click here to go to Webinar

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Yesterday when I got home I was beckoned by the dulcet tones of this little chap over the back fence. It took me a few minutes to find him, but eventually he was discovered high up in a tree probably 30 metres from the house. Don't see them often, but it is good to know they are here.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


During the week I had an opportunity to present for a Webinar for Flying Arts. It seemed to go well, thankfully. The workshop was titled 'Layers of Thought' and was about layering mixed media to create a more complex and nuanced communication of meaning than is often possible in a single-layered work. Some pictures of works at various stages of 'layering' and one that is completed are below. The last one is the only one that is completely finished; looking forward to continuing work with the others and will show you when I have.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

An abundance of Birds

Have been a bit slack in keeping up with the blog, lately...apologies. Have been very busy, but not too busy to notice the abundance of little birds in residence here at the new digs (well newish). In the last few weeks alone, I have sighted scarlet honeyeaters, golden whistlers, yellow robins, red-browed fire tails and our resident family of variegated fairy wrens (the boys are dressed very brightly in their breeding plumage just now). And these guys...apparently they are white naped honey-eaters. I have never laid eyes on this species before, much less in my own back yard! Loving where I live! (photos taken on a phone, so not excellent quality).

Monday, June 6, 2016


So the tip shop exhibition has opened at the Judith Wright Centre in Brisbane. My finished tree is below. You can find out more about the exhibition and vote for your favourite (mine of course) at the link below:

Voting is open 27 May to 7 July, online, at the Judith Wright Centre exhibition, at Council’s tip shops or at Brisbane Square Library.

Salvage: Recycling Art Exhibition
See the artworks on display at the Salvage exhibition in The Judith Wright Centre between 27 May and 17 July 2016.

Where: 420 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley
·         10am-4pm Sunday-Thursdays
·         10am-7pm Fridays
·         2pm-6pm Saturdays

Free ‘floor walk’ tours of the exhibition
10am-12 noon every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the exhibition. No bookings needed, just drop in.

Free group tours available on request via

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tip Shop Art

Tomorrow is submission day for the tip shop art work I mentioned a few blog posts ago. I am allowed to start 'leaking' some photos but you will have to wait until the exhibition opens to see the finished result. So hopefully these pics will whet your apetite and make you vote for my creation when the time arrives!


Monday, March 28, 2016


We have a lot of water dragons here...they often take a dip in the pool or sun themselves on the deck. The blackboard at the front of the estate currently says 'Watch out for water dragons', presumably because they have a penchant for sunning themselves on the road. But if you weren't from around here, you could be forgiven for thinking you may be accosted by the cousin of the frightening fire-breathing dragon emerging from the forest to douse you in water. This little dude, perched in the pitcher plant is yet to grow his wings. Watch out when he does.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

A painting

Back to work on Monday and the picture below is really the only completed artwork for the holidays - one I did in a day. Still, keeps my hand in. And a bit of therapy. I have uploaded some images to a couple of pinterest pages, too, if you'd like to have a look. They are at Ann's Objects and Sculptures and Ann's 2D work.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tip Shop Art Start

So, have visited the Tip Shop and these are the bits I have selected with which to make my piece of work. So far, so good!

Also, if you want to see what they have put on the official website so far, here is the link.