Just returned from what has become a yearly trek to the Bunya Mountains. Well, actually it was a week ago, and in the ensuing week back at the grindstone, the trip has faded into a distant memory. I could swear it was at least a month ago. The break was heavenly as usual. I have put in some pics below and more will follow when I get my act together and get them off my hard disk. Can't say I am thrilled to be back. Still, it was a boost to the ailing batteries and I got to hang out with some of my favourite people - of the avian variety.
There's this gorgeous young man (Satin Bower Bird) - I also got some good pictures of his harem members:
The little fellas are hard to catch with a camera - they're little teases, actually, showing up and posing then flitting off just when you get your focus right. Anyway, managed to catch this Eastern Spinebill after his bath.
Meanwhile, blogger has a 'new look' - some more change for the sake of it. I'm all for progress, but can't they leave stuff alone for 5 minutes? If it ain't broke...