Sunday, March 13, 2011

New York and New Work

The gallery I have been invited to exhibit at in New York is Broadway Gallery (on Broadway, funnily enough) and the exhibition will be in June. It is the same sort of thing as the one in London - a group exhibition of international emerging and established artists. And like the London one, it is not going to make me a household name (not that I really want to become one), but it is more exposure on the Web and in the States among other places.

It is all part of the long and expensive process of establishing yourself as a visual artist, apparently. Not that I am complaining. It is only March and this is the second international exhibition I have been approached to participate in. Anyway, if you are keen on a look see, you can go to the Broadway Gallery Web Site.

By the way, I have recently updated my web site, so it is now pretty current with what's happening. Anyway, time to get back to the studio.

I am still beavering away at a piece I have been working on forever and which I hope to complete fairly soon. It started fairly small but is now huge and I haven't been able to take any photos of the whole thing yet, but here are some details:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

New building, new opportunities

Since starting back at school in January, I have been finding the going pretty tough, largely due to the fact that my current 'art room' is a stinking hot demountable circa 1980s with no running water, sinks, precious little storeage and nothing much at all to endear itself. It has been particularly tough during the hot weather and having to lug stuff around including jerry-cans of water.

If this situation was going to be permanent or even long term, I am sure I would have quit by now. The last couple of weeks I have been wondering how I could hang on - I've been coming home utterly exhausted which means, of course, that along with extra hours, there is little time or energy for creativity.

But on Friday, I got a look at the light at the end of my tunnel - a great new art facility which should be ready to move into in the next couple of weeks. Hallelujah, I'm saved! The photos below are not good quality, but they will give you an idea of what I am getting excited about.

Main art room looking to the back - sinks under the window.

This is a verandah/courtyard space which will house the kiln and work with ceramics and hard materials etc.
Storeage Galore: Woo Hoo!

Also, I have just been invited to exhibit in New York, New York in June. If I can make it there, I can make it anywhere, right? More news on that as it comes to hand.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

21st Century Exhibition at GoMA

Looked in on the current exhibition the other day - Art from the first decade. A big percentage of the exhibition is from the gallery's own acquisitions, so a little disappointing in that I have seen many of the exhibits before: some as recently as at last year's APT. But there was one particular work that floated my boat - the installation by Boursier-Mougenot. This involves a room full of live finches that make music by landing on coathangers attached to 'musical' wires as per a harp or something like that.

It is easy to miss this if you don't know where to find it - right up in the SW corner of the 3rd floor and there is a limited number of people allowed in at one time, but if you have to queue, it is worth the wait. It is a delightful, peaceful, other-worldly experience - could easily have hung out there for ages.

To find out more about the exhibition, go to Queensland Art Gallery's website