Hi and thanks for visiting my new blogspot. I am really interested in connecting with other artists, especially mixed media artists, around the globe. Through this blog I am hoping to exchange ideas and resources as well.
I have just returned to classroom teaching after years of trying my hand at commercial art and various other things. I am enjoying it and am happy to say that the curriculum is really quite in keeping with my philosphy of art education, which is basically that everyone is creative and should have the opportunity to create in a way which allows them to express themselves. I think art-making is a spiritual process and so is a path-way for kids to find their true selves. The only down side is having to assess their work. I have a number of students who need learning support and I hate that I have to mark their work by comparing it to other 'mainstream' students. Perhaps that's why I am such a big fan of outsider and visionary art and why my own work is very much tending towards that genre.